Portsmouth Family Hubs

Free support for you and your family poster

What are Family Hubs?

Family Hubs

Portsmouth Family Hubs are a ‘one stop shop’ within your community providing information and signposting to a variety of free services, activities and support for children and families. The Early Help and Prevention team provide some of their support to families, and the behaviour management surgeries and groups are delivered within the family hubs. You may also see your Health Visitor within the hubs for your antenatal and postnatal appointments.

Family Hub Champions

Each hub has a dedicated Family Hub Champion, ready and waiting to support you and your family. Whether it be for local information, sign-posting to another service or simply for a cup of tea and a chat, the Family Hub Champions are there for you.

If you have a child or children aged 0 to 19, or a child or children 0 to 25 with SEND, then pop along to your local hub to speak with your Champion.

Alternatively, you can click on your nearest Family Hub listed below for your local champion’s contact number and email address.

Contact your local Family Hub

In Portsmouth, we have five family hubs in Milton, Somerstown, Buckland, Northern Parade and Paulsgrove as well as a new Online Family Hub that provide are a wide range of support, family activities and parenting courses.

Find out more about your local Family Hub, your Family Hub Champion and what’s available, click on the local hubs listed below:

Contact Details

Call 02392 882 588 or email: