Our Team

PCN Management

The Management Team provides the leadership and directs the operation of the Primary Care Network (PCN). This includes setting strategic direction, delivering innovation, development and working in collaboration to deliver shared goals

Dr Linda Collie

GMC: 6074874

Clinical Director

Linda COLLIE (6074874) – Registrant details page – GMC

Emma McLocklan

PCN Manager

Digital Transformation Team

Digital transformation in the NHS aims to use technology to help health and care professionals communicate better and enable patients to access the care they need quickly and easily, when it suits them. From websites and apps that make care and advice easy to access wherever you are, to connected computer systems that give staff the test results, history and evidence they need to make the best decisions for patients, technology can support improvements in patient care

Alison K

Digital Transformation Lead

Shannon H

Digital Transformation Officer

Sam S

Digital Transformation Officer

Practice Nurses

Lauren Marriott

NMC: 21F1569E

Clinical Nurse Specialist (Respiratory)

Search the register – The Nursing and Midwifery Council

Alison Tier

NMC: 82J0597E

Clinical Nurse Specialist (Diabetes)

Search the register – The Nursing and Midwifery Council

Lorraine Avery

NMC: 81Y1567E

Clinical Nurse Specialist (Diabetes)

Search the register – The Nursing and Midwifery Council

Nursing Associates

Our Nursing Associates (NAs) are members of the nursing team who help bridge the gap between health and care assistants (HCAs) and registered nurses. They care for people of all ages. They contribute to the core work of nursing, freeing up registered nurses to focus on more complex clinical care.

Bianca Sandor

NMC: 22C2625E

Nurse Associate

Search the register – The Nursing and Midwifery Council

Grace Reeves

Nurse Associate (trainee)

Jessica Mitchell

Nurse associate (trainee)

Pharmacy Team

Our pharmacists and technicians work in close association with the GP surgeries. They perform structured medication reviews, help to reduce polypharmacy, undertake activities that reduce medication related side effects. They play a key role in reducing medication related errors. They also help the practice in effective management of chronic diseases. Some of them run special clinics as well. The team undertakes clinical medication reviews with patients and produce recommendations for the senior clinical pharmacist, nurses or GPs on prescribing and monitoring.

Nasim Uddin

GPhC: 2231005


Pharmacist | General Pharmaceutical Council

Alex Slator

Pharmacy Technician

Brenda Urubusi

GPhC: 2082147


Pharmacist | General Pharmaceutical Council

Syed Rahman

GPhC: 5108141

Pharmacy Technician

Pharmacy technician | General Pharmaceutical Council

Frances O’Malley

GPhC: 6314144

Pharmacy Technician

Search our register for a pharmacy technician | General Pharmaceutical Council

GP Assistant

General practice assistants support the practice and specifically the GPs by completing administrative tasks and some basic clinical duties.


GP Assistant


GP assistant

Enhanced Care Team

Our Enhanced Care Team offers support for particular groups of patients and their carers in our practices; Neurodivergent and learning disability, serious mental illness (SMI), dementia, palliative, frailty/housebound, cancer and terminal illness. Working with the GPs, they make sure that support is available to patients and their carers. They may also be involved in supporting patients in care homes.

Philip Charlton

NMC 96Y0015E

Advanced Nurse Practitioner (ANP)

Search the register – The Nursing and Midwifery Council


Care co-ordinator


Healthcare/GP assistant

Social Prescribing Team

Social prescribing is a way for local agencies to refer people to a link worker. Link workers give people time, focusing on ‘what matters to me’ and take a holistic approach to people’s health and wellbeing. They connect people to community groups and statutory services for practical and emotional support.


Team Manager

Health Inclusion Team

Our Health Inclusion Team provides care for any population group that is socially excluded. This can be people who experience homelessness, drug and alcohol dependence, vulnerable migrants, Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities, sex workers, people in contact with the justice system and victims of modern slavery but can also include other socially excluded groups with risk factors for poor health such as poverty, violence and complex trauma. People belonging to inclusion health groups frequently suffer from multiple health issues, which can include mental and physical ill health and substance dependence issues.

Kathryn Jones

NMC: 87G0791E

Advanced Nurse Specialist

Search the register – The Nursing and Midwifery Council

Dr Sascha Colgan

GMC: 6088264

General Practitioner
